Sunday, September 23, 2012

Celebrate Good Times!

Celebrating my 14th wedding anniversary was full of surprises for me and my husband.  I am so thankful that we are having so much fun together after 20 years.  This idea has been floating around in my head for several years.  I finally decided to try ordering gourmet food by Fed Ex - it was quite an experience!


  1. A fun read, Kelly. We received a box of live lobsters one Christmas. Crash course in cooking lobster and one delish meal later, we were all hooked. Ok, it wasn't as good as the time we had fresh lobster on the dock in St. Maarten, VI, but it was darn close. :)

  2. Hi Terrye! I would love to get a box of lobster! I love it - it is so sweet and light. I'd love to have lobster on the dock in St. Maarten even more! That sounds like real fun. I am going to Mexico in December so I am holding onto that thought:) lol
