Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bully Update

My last post detailed a situation where my child was being bullied at school.  I contacted the school and spoke with two grade level principals. 

The children involved were questioned and talked to.

As of yesterday, our school has implemented a district wide telephone hot line for any child, parent or guardian to report bullying or abuse.  The tip may be completely anonymous or person reporting can leave a phone number to be contacted for discussion. 

I feel as if our district proved to be a front runner in being proactive about instituting programs and resources for our children.  Through calm conversation and rational reasoning my problem was addressed immediately and effectively.  Not only did the resolution benefit my child but every child in the district!

If you do hear of your child having problems at school don't hesitate to address it with the proper people and don't hide it.  Talking about problems is what stimulates solutions.

Keep it Real!


  1. Great post. I will definitely tell someone if my kids were bullied. It's awful how cruel some kids can be.

    1. Hi Whispering Writer - it's a good idea to just bring it out into the open. Kids want to try to hide from it and I think by showing them that it's nothing for them to be ashamed about it makes them feel a little more powerful. I sure hope you never have to cope with this though:)

      Thanks so much!

  2. I am glad the school authorities took notice of it and took the necessary action.

    Cheers to that, Kelly!

    1. Yes - thank you Ruchira! My daughter is back to enjoying school with no fear!

  3. Way to show kids that they are empowered to change things that aren't right, Kelly! Damn proud of ya, girl!

    1. Thank you Terrye! I had to calm down before I could think rationally, my blood was boiling when I first heard of this. I decided I better just calm down and figure out how to solve it fast! Nip that crap in the bud!

  4. This is great! I'm *really* glad this got resolved. I'm also glad to read the follow up - I've been worried about Syd! Wow, Kelly, you're one regular RealHousewifeWarrior. :D

    1. Hey Cyndi - so far - so good. Syd is my very serious child. She told me "I am a straight A student and I just don't need this crap." haha So usually takes me a while to figure out a good solution but you know when you put your mind to it:) LOL

  5. Good advice. I'm glad your school district took swift action.
